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The Taste Of Mangos

·714 words·4 mins·
Song-Swap 2024
Jerry S
Jerry S
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I’m translating this song in anticipation of this coming cold season of 2024. I know that in regions that are far from the equator there is a definite time period in the year that seems to negatively affect the mental health of their inhabitants. You might have heard of it being called SAD, or Seasonal Affective Disorder. It depends on your biology but it typically begins to affect people in the fall and continues into the winter months.

These sad times can cause a spiral of mental thoughts that can make us see the world from a bleak lens and point of view. We can begin to question ourselves, how we see the world and how we act in it. This can lead to symptoms of depression.

In those times, I like to assure myself that it’s all a part of my biorhythm. I know I can bring myself out of it slowly and gently with certain activities.

I hope this song helps you feel valued in a time of need, during a season that can fool us into believing we are not important to someone.

The song is from the album Abracadra by Klô Pelgag

Favorite Lyrics

I tried to strip this down to some key lyrics but the whole song is critical to hear. Here is what I could pare it down to:

You say you’re not someone’s that worth the effort
That no one’ll ever get what you’ve been through
It’s the season fooling you

This is the core of the song and the sentiment of feeling worthless. I have to remember, with much difficulty, that it’s the season and my own mind that are fooling me into questioning things.

If everything that bothers you is thrown out
Will I be leaving or will I be staying?
It’s the season and I’m thinking

That you’ve forgotten the sweet taste of mangos
And how my hand feels when it rests on your thigh
This season is just like us

This part is important from an outsider point of view. It speaks to my own actions as someone wanting to be supportive. If the person is questioning their own worth then maybe they are questioning the worth of me as well. If so, then I potentially am becoming something undesired that is being a bother and should be thrown out.

At the end of the song the singer suggests that whomever she is singing to has forgotten the sweet simple happy things of life, such as the taste of mangos. That they have forgotten the human warmth of a hand on their thigh. How sad then to have her say that the season is like them in some way.

I hope that the singer, and whoever listens to this song, is able to pull themselves out of the emotional whirlwind caused by the cold season months.


J’sais pas si tu voles ou bien si tu tombes
Si t’attends juste que la neige fonde
C’est la saison que t’affrontes

Don’t know if you fly high or if you’re falling
If you’re just waiting for the snow to melt down
It’s the season that you’re facing

Tu dis que t’es pas une cause à défendre
Que personne pourra jamais te comprendre
C’est la saison qui te trompe

You say you’re not someone’s that worth the effort
That no one’ll ever get what you’ve been through
It’s the season fooling you

Beaucoup de choses ne font pas de sens
Difficile d’accorder de l’importance
C’est la saison, pas de chance

A lot of things don’t make any sense
It’s hard to figure out what really matters
It’s the season, we’re all out of luck

Si t’effaces tout cе que tu détestes
Est-cе que je pars ou bien est-ce que je reste ?
C’est la saison et je pense

If everything that bothers you is thrown out
Will I be leaving or will I be staying?
It’s the season and I’m thinking

Que tu as oublié le goût des mangues
La sensation de ma main sur ta jambe
Cette saison nous ressemble

That you’ve forgotten the sweet taste of mangos
And how my hand feels when it rests on your thigh
This season is just like us

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