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Last Night (Anoche)

·844 words·4 mins·
Song-Swap 2024
Jerry S
Jerry S
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Bacilos is a very well known group in the Spanish speaking world. This year, in 2024, they came out with a brand new song titled Last Night (Anoche), and I heard it almost the same week that it came out. Thank you, Bacilos, for the birthday gift.

Song Cover

Truthfully, I wasn’t expecting anything, because they already have a really good discography. For example, Tabaco y Chanel, Caraluna, and “Pasos de Gigante” are three songs that are really good among many others they’ve written. But after hearing Last Night I understood that it would take first place among songs they’ve written that I consider favorites.

Why do I like it?

Why do I like this song so much? In my life I sometimes want that which I’m not. Never in my life have I been like the man in the song, and if I, by chance, have acted this way it was a surprise to me for having been that way. I’ve never been the lovestruck type that says everything when he feels it.

Now that I’ve explored my own life I want to become more like the man in the song; I can only hope so. It seems to be that life can be much happier that way, even if it has its disadvantages.

Favorite Lyrics

Tell me what you think you’ll do with all of this sudden news
Now that you know that I’m falling deeper into your trap
Last night I told you that I’m falling for you

It makes me laugh because I’ve heard some people say that expressing your feelings gives the other an advantage, that they have a power over you. I used to believe that but things are different now.


Cuando yo era chiquitito mis abuelos se reían
Porque no podía esconder bien nada de lo que sentía
Soy esclavo de mi lengua, su imprudencia no da tregua
Siempre me mete en problemas y ahora que lo pienso bien
Anoche te dije que te quería

When I was a little boy my grandparents laughed aloud
Because I couldn’t hide a bit any of what I was feeling
I’m a victim of my own mouth, its imprudence knows no bounds
Always gets me into trouble and now that I think about it
Last night I told you that I’m falling for you

Me da miedo pensarlo pero es lo que yo sentía
Anoche te dije que te quería
No me vuelvo a tomar un tequila en toda mi vida
En toda mi vida
En toda mi vida

Just the thought of it scares me but it’s the way I was feeling
Last night I told you that I’m falling for you
I’ll never do tequila shots again ever in my life
Ever in my life
Ever in my life

Hay palabras peligrosas que cambian todas las cosas
Por eso las escondemos, aunque puedan ser hermosas
Dime que piensas hacer con este cuento mujer
Ahora que sabes que estoy cayendo dentro de tu red
Anoche te dije que te quería

There’re dangerous words that’ll change everything in every way
So we keep them hidden away even if they have their beauty
Tell me what you think you’ll do with all of this sudden news
Now that you know that I’m falling deeper into your trap
Last night I told you that I’m falling for you

Me da miedo pensarlo pero es lo que yo sentía
Anoche te dije que te quería
No me vuelvo a tomar un tequila en toda mi vida
En toda mi vida
En toda mi vida

Just the thought of it scares me but it’s the way I was feeling
Last night I told you that I’m falling for you
I’ll never do tequila shots again ever in my life
Ever in my life
Ever in my life

Los fantasmas del amanecer
Me preguntan cómo puede ser
Que sea un tipo tan demente que dice todo como lo siente
Porque yo anoche te dije que te quería

Mornings comes and the ghosts gather ‘round
To ask me how is it I could be
Someone that’s so demented that he says everything as he feels it
Cuz last night I told you I’m falling for you

Me da miedo pensarlo pero es lo que yo sentía
Anoche pensé que ya no podía
Dejar escapar el billete mayor de la lotería
Esa lotería
Esa lotería

Just the thought of it scares me but it’s the way I was feeling
Last night I felt like I just couldn’t take it
And let slip the biggest lotto jackpot there’s ever been
Jackpot of the century
Jackpot of the century

Dime que piensas hacer con este cuento mujer
Ahora que sabes que estoy cayendo dentro de tu red
Anoche te dije que te quería

Tell me what you think you’ll do with all of this sudden news
Now that you know that I’m falling deeper into your trap
Last night I told you that I’m falling for you