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Talking just to Talk

·570 words·3 mins·
Song-Swap 2024
Jerry S
Jerry S
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  2. Amazon Music
  3. Spotify


I can’t believe that I’ve lived my life without getting to hear Alex Cuba's music until very recently. How luck to be able to discover this song and the album in which it was published in.

Thank you Alex Cuba for helping me relive a happiness that I don’t always get to experience.

The Album

Alex Cuba’s album titled Mendó, accent on the o, won a Latin Grammy in 2022. I don’t know who else was nominated that year but it doesn’t much matter because this album wiped the floor clean of any competition and all the artistic genius they might have mustered.

Search it out, you won’t want to miss it, and you’ll want to dance to it to.

Mendó - Click here to see the album on Spotify

Favorite Lyrics

You haven’t gotten to know me
Do you wanna have us a talk \

Who is he talking to? I don’t know, but I’d like to know. :-)

All the conceptualizations
Are being compromised
I know no one’s seen something of this kind
The voice of an experience
That’s run out of its sound
Talking just to talk

First I heard the song and felt it in my body. Then I heard the lyrics and I understood more, but not much more.

This stanza reminds me that when the conceptualizations in our mind meet reality they can often break because they can’t compete against something that is happening in realtime; the happening takes my breath away.

In the last line, talking just to talk, it gives me a certain amount of happiness that what we’re all doing is talking just to talk; dancing just to dance; crying just to cry, suffering just to suffer; laughing just to laugh.

How wonderful that that’s how it is.


Haz tú lo que te guste
Aquí quién puede criticar
A mí no me pregunten
Qué es el bien y qué es el mal

Do whatever you want to
Who here is there that’s gonna judge
Don’t dare anyone ask me
The difference between good and bad

Ya todos los conceptos
Se van comprometiendo
Yo sé que nadie ha visto algo igual
La voz de una experiencia
Que no tiene vigencia
Hablando por hablar

All the conceptualizations
Are being compromised
I know no one’s seen something of this kind
The voice of an experience
That’s run out of its sound
Talking just to talk

Tú aún no me conoces
No sé si tú quieres hablar
Un antes y un entonces
Tal vez me ayudes a pensar

You haven’t gotten to know me
Do you wanna have us a talk
A before and a now then
Maybe you’ll help me give it thought

Ya todos los conceptos
Se van comprometiendo
Yo sé que nadie ha visto algo igual
La voz de una experiencia
Que no tiene vigencia
Hablando por hablar

All the conceptualizations
Are being compromised
I know no one’s seen something of this kind
The voice of an experience
That’s run out of its sound
Talking just to talk

Ya todos los conceptos
Se van comprometiendo
Que no se te olvide respirar
La voz de una experiencia
Que no tiene vigencia
Hablando por hablar

All the conceptualizations
Are being compromised
Remember to not forget to breathe
The voice of an experience
That’s run out of its sound
Talking just to talk