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Just cuz I can - Juste Parce Que J'Peux

·1007 words·5 mins·
Song-Swap 2022
Jerry S
Jerry S
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Lisa LeBlanc

Another artist from Canada graces my ears with great sounds! Lisa LeBlanc hails from the province of New Brunswick and sings this song in French. She’s got a powerful voice with a country feel. You can hear some of her power in this song but there are better songs to showcase her organ level mastery over her voice. Thanks again to the musical muses for sending this exactly when I needed to hear it.

Lessons Learned & Favorite Lyrics

Gotta’dmit that sometimes, I wanna accept my loneliness
so I can tame the beast
And sometimes, I really wanna wail, just cuz I can

The first verse is an immediate memory to times where I, like others, have wrestled with my loneliness. And what does one do with loneliness? My guess is that the common reaction is to fight against it and try to get far away from it by keeping busy with activities and distractions like going out with friends or cleaning the house.

Maybe the less common reaction is to sit with it and tame it like Lisa LeBlanc says in the second line. In my experience I’ve had to learn to sit with my loneliness and avoid busy work distractions.

I enjoy the next line of this verse too. Sometimes I just want to wail suddenly, to scream, shout, and cry all at once. Then comes the eponymous lyric: “just cuz I can.” This last part is a sort of answer to an unasked question: Why all the drama and emotion?

They’ve already told me loneliness doesn’t have to be a state of sadness
I’ll hold tightly onto those words just till this calms down

Is this true? I would say yes, it is, but loneliness and sadness can come hand in hand so often that it can be easy to take for granted that they aren’t grafted to each other.

With some effort, during times of both loneliness and sadness it’s good to remember that they are two separate experiences. The sadness can disappear and one might still be lonely, or, vice versa, one can be with friends laughing and feel the loneliest person in the world.

The times I’ve managed to tame this state of loneliness have been great. No one is around except me. I notice myself and that I’m not in any sort of turmoil and that I’m alone. I smile slightly as I take notice of this. Then I let myself sink back into whatever I was in the middle of. On occasion, instead of smiling, I will laugh maniacally, just cuz I can.

And if my laugh is silent now, just give it time, it’ll be back
But now, grieving is what I need, to breathe again, just cuz I can

Positivity is not something that I’ve ever tried to subscribe to more than necessary but I know I’ve avoided sitting with sadness in the past.

Not anymore!

Let me sit and not squander any sadness that might come my way.

I know my laugh comes freely during times of joy and happiness. Whose doesn’t? It’s fairly obvious to others when I’m not in a happy cheerful excitable state. It’s ok though. I know my laugh won’t abandon me if I put it away for some time. It’ll be right where I left it when I’m ready. It’ll be back. In the mean time, grieving is not a bad thing. It’s better to grieve thoroughly and accept the loss of someone in my life, either due to a relationship ending or due to death, rather than letting the hurt linger and smelt longer than it needs to. There is life to live! Who else besides me will live the one that is mine?


This song has some phrases in French I’m not familiar with. Hopefully I was able to capture the spirit of the song in English as best as possible.

Juste parce que j’peux

Faut que j’avoue que des fois, j’ai le goût d’assumer la solitude,
pis de l’apprivoiser
Pis des fois, j’voudrais brailler, juste parce que j’peux

Gotta’dmit that sometimes, I wanna accept my loneliness
so I can tame the beast
And sometimes, I really wanna wail, just cuz I can

Pis quand la vie se décide de me rattraper
J’voudrais sacrer contre elle, juste parce que j’peux

And when life decides it wants to surround me
I wanna curse her away, just cuz I can

On m’a déjà dit que la solitude n’a pas besoin d’être un état de tristesse
J’vas m’accrocher à ces mots jusqu’à ce que ça passe

They’ve already told me loneliness doesn’t have to be a state of sadness
I’ll hold tightly onto those words just till this calms down

Des fois j’ai le goût de lâcher la défensive, mettre mes tripes su’a table
Pis de m’en foutre de tout ce qui m’entoure, juste parce que j’peux

Then sometimes I wanna bring down all my walls, to say what’s on my mind
And give no fucks ‘bout what’ll happen next, just cuz I can

Pis si mon rire est étouffé, fais-toi en pas, y reviendra
Ben là, j’ai besoin de faire mon deuil, pis de respirer, juste parce que j’peux

And if my laugh is silent now, just give it time, it’ll be back
But now, grieving is what I need, to breathe again, just cuz I can

On m’a déjà dit que la solitude n’a pas besoin d’être un état de tristesse
J’vas m’accrocher à ces mots jusqu’à ce que ça passe

They’ve already told me loneliness doesn’t have to be a state of sadness
I’ll hold tightly onto those words just till this calms down

J’t’ai déjà dit que c’était pas original de dire qu’on est solitaire
Pis tu m’a répondu qu’être heureux, ça y’est pas plus

I told you it wasn’t mind-blowing to say that we’re solitary souls
Then you told me that being happy, that isn’t either