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Song-Swap 2024
Jerry S
Jerry S
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In the month of October of the year 2022 I want to Iceland and my eyes lit up at the sight of the northern lights. This year, in 2024, I decided to do a song search using the word “Akureyri”. The fruit of that search was this song. I hope you enjoy it.

Favorite Lyrics

Now it’s just you and me looking at the sky
Waiting for an aurora that’s not coming but who cares?

I was lucky to have seen the northern lights several times, each time more wondrous that the last. How is it that I was so lucky? And that’s not all. Besides that, I was with two dear friends and I’m grateful for having had them to be with.

Depending on how you look at it, maybe the song is about a short-lived romance. What I do know is that it would be wonderful to once again see the northern lights with loved ones. I don’t mind waiting.

If it’s just you and me
The sky can stay gloomy
It’s alright
Your light’s more than bright enough
And that light will never fade

That’s how love is, isn’t it? It lit a hidden space in me that will never forget what it’s like to no longer be in the dark.

Even in the darkness there can be a smile.

Like a pillow your arm keeps me company
As I dream of Akureyri and make believe
That we have more time together and forget
That tomorrow I’ll wake and you’ll be gone

The truth is that I didn’t spend any time in Akureyri. How did it ever occur to me to do a search for this city? I’m fairly certain that it’s because it’s the song that was searching for me. So no, I don’t dream of Akureyri, I dream of Husavík and many other places. It’s that dream that helps me imagine how wonderful it would be to one day return, and it’s also that dream that helps me imagine how wonderful my life will be even if I never go back.

Smile at me just one more time
Cuz you know I can do it and stretch out this night\

How is it that the smile of someone else can stretch out a night that has the same minutes as any other?

Tell me a bit about you, I felt the pain inside
I know it’s hard to say it but I’ll be all ears
In the green of your eyes I saw bits of gray

How is it that loves helps us see another’s faults and then accept them anyway? I’ll never get it. I accept that I don’t have to get it.


[Intro: Aitana]
Da igual si nos equivocamos ahora, dale

[Intro: Aitana]
It’s fine if we mess it up now, let’s go

[Verso 1: Aitana & Sebastián Yatra]
Sonríeme una vez más
Pero es que soy capaz de alargar esta noche
Quédate a dormir, al lado de mí

[Verse 1: Aitana & Sebastián Yatra]
Smile at me just one more time
Cuz you know I can do it and stretch out this night
Stay over and sleep, right by my side

Cuéntame un poco de ti, tu dolor lo sentí
Aunque te cueste hablarlo me lo puedes decir
En tus ojos verdes vi un poco de gris

Tell me a bit about you, I felt the pain inside
I know it’s hard to say it but I’ll be all ears
In the green of your eyes I saw bits of gray

[Estribillo: Aitana, Aitana & Sebastián Yatra]
Pásame tu abrigo, abrázame
No soy buena para el frío ni seré
Pero esta noche contigo encontraré
Mi cama en tu sofá

[Chorus: Aitana, Aitana & Sebastián Yatra]
Pass me the blanket and cuddle me
I’m not good with the cold and’ll never be
But this night with you I’ll be cozy and warm
With your sofa as my bed

Tu brazo de almohada me acompañará
A soñar con Akureyri y fantasear
Que nos queda tiempo juntos y olvidar
Que mañana despierto y no estás más

Like a pillow your arm keeps me company
As I dream of Akureyri and make believe
That we have more time together and forget
That tomorrow I’ll wake and you’ll be gone

[Post-Estribillo: Aitana & Sebastián Yatra]
Quedamos tú y yo mirando el cielo
Esperando una aurora que no llega y ¿qué más da?

[Post-Chorus: Aitana & Sebastián Yatra]
Now it’s just you and me looking at the sky
Waiting for an aurora that’s not coming but who cares?

Si estamos tú y yo
Que no brille el cielo
No importa
Tú me alumbras mucho más
Y esa luz nunca se irá

If it’s just you and me
The sky can stay gloomy
It’s alright
Your light’s more than bright enough
And that light will never fade

[Verso 2: Sebastián Yatra, Sebastián Yatra & Aitana]
Te miré, te miré y te pensé hasta que tú reaccionaste
Hasta que me besaste
Una laguna azul, unos labios rosados
Y tú, y aunque tuvo un final, al final no fue culpa de nadie
Nunca es culpa de nadie, pero te extrañaré

[Verse 2: Sebastián Yatra, Sebastián Yatra & Aitana]
Looked your way, gave a glance, saw a chance, waited till you reacted
Till you leaned in and kissed me
A lagoon made of blue, and some lips made of rose red
And you, even if it’s the end, in the end no one’s really to blame
It wasn’t anyone’s fault, but I’ll miss you the same

[Estribillo: Sebastián Yatra & Aitana]
Pásame tu abrigo, abrázame
No soy bueno para el frío ni seré
Pero esta noche contigo encontraré
Mi cama en tu sofá

[Chorus: Sebastián Yatra & Aitana]
Pass me the blanket and cuddle me
I’m not good with the cold and’ll never be
But this night with you I’ll be cozy and warm
With your sofa as my bed

Tu brazo de almohada me acompañará
A soñar con Akureyri y fantasear
Que nos queda tiempo juntos y olvidar
Que mañana despierto y no estás más

Like a pillow your arm keeps me company
As I dream of Akureyri and make believe
That we have more time together and forget
That tomorrow I’ll wake and you’ll be gone

[Post-Estribillo: Sebastián Yatra & Aitana]
Quedamos tú y yo mirando el cielo
Esperando una aurora que no llega y ¿qué más da?

[Post-Chorus: Sebastián Yatra & Aitana]
Now it’s just you and me looking at the sky
Waiting for an aurora that’s not coming but who cares?

Si estamos tú y yo
Que no brille el cielo
No importa
Tú me alumbras mucho más
Y esa luz nunca se irá

If it’s just you and me
The sky can stay gloomy
It’s alright
Your light’s more than bright enough
And that light will never fade

[Outro: Aitana]
Ah-ah-ah-ah, ah-ah
Ah-ah-ah-ah, ah

[Outro: Aitana]
Ah-ah-ah-ah, ah-ah
Ah-ah-ah-ah, ah